Why You Should Consider Airport Lounge Access


There’s nothing like touching down for an extended layover and being able to relax comfortably in one of the airport lounges. A few months ago, some friends and I had a 6 hour layover in Mexico City on our way to Playa Del Carmen for vacation. Each one of us were searching the nearest gates looking for a sitting area that could fit the 5 of us.

Finally, my buddy found a table that was barely big enough for two laptops with 3 stools and 2 more chairs close by but with power outlets nowhere to be found. Luckily, I have a fear of being stranded in the middle of nowhere with no juice so I charged my phone at our originating airport in Houston and brought along my battery backup plus a spare. One of my friends phone was running low and he was texting back and forth trying to resolve an issue with a client so he commandeered one of them. Another friend and his girlfriend shared the other. Which left myself and the other friend using our devices only when absolutely necessary.

After about an hour or so into this literal power struggle, I wished out loud that there was an American Express Centurion lounge at that airport. Which prompted me to cross my fingers and check. Wahlah! Sure enough, there was one there. As fast as I could say “Let’s go!” the crew had their belongings gathered and was headed in the Centurions direction.

I travel quite a bit so, I’ve been able to visit the lounges in several airports around the world. For my friends, it was a first. They were thinking it would be something like a private sitting area but after making it inside, they were overly impressed. To get in, I simply presented my Platinum card and boarding passes for 3 of us and paid $50 each for the other two.

We were able to find a few love seats together to relax and get comfortable with more than enough outlets in reach. Something one of my friends ate didn’t agree with him so he found a secluded restroom hidden in a corner and relieved himself in private for the first 30 minutes. One of us had to hunt him down and make sure that he hadn’t fallen in LOL. Once he returned, he plugged in his devices and took a nap on his couch.

Each of the Centurion lounges that I’ve been to have all been nice. Some a little nicer than others but all with the quality and service that you would expect from a company like American Express. Along with all of the other perks that come with carrying the Platinum AmEx, the lounges make that hefty member fee well worth it. In a later post I’ll give a review of some of the other lounge options.

After getting settled in at the lounge a server came over and offered us food from the menu and drinks. I make it a point to take full advantage of the free food and drinks whenever I visit a lounge. Surprisingly, the food has always been good. I can’t say the same for a couple of the airline lounges that I’ve visited.

It was the first time traveling to Mexico for two of my friends and another had never left the country before. So, they were pretty anxious about getting to our destination and being able to wind down a little at the Centurion made it that much easier for them. They were REALLY excited after we left the lounge and not receiving a bill! Of course we treated the server well with the tip.

If you’re a nomad like me, or even travel often, consider looking into lounge access. Whether it’s a one day pass with an airline or 3rd party, or you get one of the top-tier credit cards like the Platinum American Express. It comes in especially handy when flying around the world!